‘Omigod You Guys’ The Delta Nu’s From ‘Legally Blonde The Musical’ Reunited For A Quarantine Parody

If anyone can rescue us from quarantine misinformation it’s Elle Woods.

There is a lot of information swirling about on how to stay healthy during the coronavirus pandemic. We all know to stay six feet apart and to wash our hands for twenty seconds but for every valid tip there seems to be dozens of outlandish ideas too. To combat the confusion the Delta Nu sorority sisters of Legally Blonde The Musical held a remote reunion with Elle Woods to educate us all. That’s right, Laura Bell Bundy, Annaleigh Ashford, Leslie Kritzer, Asmeret Ghebremichael and the rest of the show’s Delta Nu’s virtually parodied the song “OMIGOD U GUYS!” and turned it into “OMIGOD YOU GUYS SANITIZE FOR CORONA!”

The hilariously accurate song starts out with the Delta Nu’s expressing their confusion on what exactly needs sanitizing. “Omigod, omigod you guys, I don’t know what to sanitize. Is it phones and keys and doorknobs? Tell me, these all sound like lies. Do we sanitize? OMIGOD!” If watching all of the movies and the Broadway musical several times over has taught me anything, it’s that Elle will truly save us all. After a somehow perfect shoutout to Carole Baskin of the Tiger King docuseries, Elle (Laura Bell Bundy) flops onto her couch to break it all down for us.

“Twenty seconds means your hands are clean. Always get between. Get your wrists. You’re good as Delta Nu. Make sure that you’re cleaning right, get those Clorox wipes. That trash alcohol won’t do. There’s so much that’s untrue!”

I sincerely think every PSA from now on should be forced to include a catchy chorus and pink costumery. The entire video is adorably funny and actually informative…just like Elle herself! Take a look at the entire parody below!

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