Mila Kunis Grossed Out By Charlie Sheen Invitation

During one of Charlie Sheen’s recent tour stops, the man, myth and legend announced that he wanted BLACK SWAN star Mila Kunis to join him, Natalie Kenly and porn star Bree Olsen in their goddess temple of love:

“Here’s the good news — my goddesses have already f—ing approved her. She’s pre-approved! I would have great tolerance for many missing items provided it involves Mila f—ing Kunis: If Mila Kunis is stealing your s–t, trust me, you’re still f—ing winning, you’re still winning at that moment.”

Apparently, it’s being reported by PopEater that Ms. Kunis wasn’t so thrilled with the invitation.  A friend of the star told the site:

“Obviously Charlie wanted to name someone who would create publicity for his tour, but the thought of it grosses Mila out.”

Yeah…that makes a bit of sense.  Would you feel comfortable getting an invitation from a 45-year-old crazy actor to join your sexcapades?  Probably not…

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