Natalie Portman Opens Up About Her Dance Double Drama.

Natalie Portman has stayed fairly mum about the controversy surrounding just how much of the amazing dancing in “Black Swan” was actually her. Since winning the Oscar, some have accused the movie producers of being intentionally misleading about just how much the performance played a role in her Oscar consideration. (Her dance double Sarah Lane being one of them.)
But E! news got Portman to finally weigh in, albeit diplomatically, on the drama (video below).
She says:
“You know, I, it’s it’s….um…I know what went on. We, we had an amazing experience making the movie and I don’t want to tarnish it by entering into nastiness, because it’s such a positive thing what we get to do. We get to create things. I feel so lucky to be part of that, and um, I’m so proud of everyone’s work on that movie and my experience. And I’ll have that forever. And and and and and it’s important for me to remember that no matter what nastiness is going around.”

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