Hugh Grant was SO CLOSE to Replacing Sheen on “Two and a Half Men”

If there were anybody who could replace a man’s man and a womanizer, it would have to be the king of all romantic comedies, Hugh Grant.  And we didn’t even realize how close that was to actually happening.

According to Deadline, Grant was in final negotiations to replace Charlie Sheen on ‘Two and a Half Men,’ with a staggering $1 million per episode offer, however Grant allegedly pulled out of negotiations at the last minute due to creative differences.

Grant currently has no films in the works, and his last film, 2009’s DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE MORGANS, didn’t really do much at the box office (yeah…I kinda forgot about it until I IMDb-ed it…), but I guess ‘creative differences’ are more important…

Only time will tell what actor could/would/should step into Sheen’s shoes.  Until then, we sit and wait, for both Cryer’s new pal and for Hugh Grant to release another good movie…

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