Levi Johnston’s Book Is Now On Amazon For ‘Pre-Ordering’. But Wait… It Gets Better.

In meaningless news, Levi Johnston’s book, Deer in the Headlights: My Life in Sarah Palin’s Crosshairs, which comes out in September, is now available for pre-ordering on Amazon. Do we really need to pre-order this one? Are we really anticipating an apocalyptic sellout at bookstores? (Wait, are there any bookstores anymore? But I digress.)

What’s even more interesting to me than the cover, which looks like a woods scene recreated in someone’s basement and taken with a camera phone (times are tough), is that Amazon now allows users to TAG the books on their pages, so that users will be able to assimilate what common words would most be assocatied with that book or author. Apparently, while many people are willing to visit Johnston’s book page, few are willing to say anything nice about him.

Check out the tags people are using to describe him below!!!

When the top three tags are loser, parasite and idiot you have a serious image problem.

Johnston’s book is officially coming out September 27th, 2011 (yeesh, that’s quite an advance notice for pre-ordering!) giving him ample time to point at pictures of what he wants his ghostwriter to write about.

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