Bristol Palin Cuts Levi A Break.

While Bristol Palin's new book seems to point the finger at Levi Johnston for getting her drunk on wine coolers the night they lost their innocence, now she's dodging the notion that she was date raped.

While Bristol Palin’s new book seems to point the finger at Levi Johnston for getting her drunk on wine coolers the night they lost their innocence, now she’s shooting down the notion that she was date raped.

As Palin retold the story in the book “Not Afraid Of Life: My Journey So Far,” some believe it had a tone that she was a completely unwilling participant.

Says the Phildelphis Inquirer:

She’s referring to her desciption of how she lost her virginity: She and Levi drank (“girly flavored”) wine coolers. They retired to a tent. She woke up not remembering a thing and didn’t realize what had happened until she heard Levi bragging to his friends. “I should have never been underage drinking,” says Bristol, “and I should have never gotten myself into a situation like that.”

But Palin clarified her explanation of the events… shooting down date rape discussion during an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity:

“No, absolutely not—I’m not accusing Levi of rape or anything like that,” Palin told Hannity. “I’m just looking at that decision and that situation that I got myself in with older and wiser eyes.”

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