Either Gene Simmons and Shannon Tweed Are Kaput, or Shannon Tweed Is An Amazing Actress.

You must experience the awkwardness that is this interview between KLG and Hoda and reality show stars, Gene Simmons (of KISS) and lifelong partner(ish) Shannon Tweed. Either their relationship is on the skids, or Tweed should be in moving pictures. Awkward!!
If you haven’t seen it – you must experience the awkwardness that is this interview between KLG and Hoda (my girls!) and reality show stars, Gene Simmons (of KISS) and lifelong partner(ish) Shannon Tweed. Let’s just say, either their relationship is on the skids, or Tweed should be in moving pictures. Awkward!!
Simmons and Tweed were on the Fourth Hour of NBC’s Today Show to promote the new season of their series… could it be the last season of their relationship? Or just a publicity stunt?


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1 Comment

  • So, I have one question. Why, if there is trouble between the two are they going on every talk show to tell America about it? They are together to tell everyone that there is very serious trouble in the relationship? A woman who acts as if she is repulsed, all of a sudden, by a man she has been with for three decades, who has always been this very way, does not make much sense. Sounds like a lot of hoopla to promote something to me. No star goes on ANY show for the fun of it, it is always promotion. Don’t you think that Shannon, who seems to be a very dignified woman, would run away from the lime light, if she was through with her relationship?

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