Amy Winehouse was NOT on Any Drugs When She Died

Despite the overall assumption that Amy Winehouse had to be on some sort of drugs when she passed away last month, it is being reported today that the singer, in fact, had no such substances in her body.

According to TMZ, Winehouse’s family claims toxicology tests prove that she was not on any sort of illegal drugs, although she did have alcohol in her system.

A rep for the family released a statement saying,

“Toxicology results returned to the Winehouse family by authorities have confirmed that there were no illegal substances in Amy’s system at the time of her death…Results indicate that alcohol was present but it cannot be determined as yet if it played a role in her death…The family would like to thank the police and coroner for their continuing thorough investigations and for keeping them informed throughout the process.  They await the outcome of the inquest in October.”

Officials have not determined if the alcohol played a role in the singer’s death.

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  • This is so good to know hopefully her folks can find some goodness about knowing this.She was obviously trying to get her life back on track.Alls i can say is we’ll find your music as a reminder of what might’ve been. Sleep well baby girl.

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