Anderson Cooper Embarrassed By His Laughter, But Viewers LOVE It!

By now, you’ve all seen the video of CNN host Anderson Cooper laughing until he cries during his “RidicuList” segment on Gerard Depardieu.

Well now, we’re getting some reactions on the piece, both from Cooper and his audience!

Cooper actually predicted that he would laugh during the piece, tweeting beforehand:

“I’m loving #TheRidiculist tonite. I giggle everytime I try to read through it. Hope I don’t mess this up.”

And afterwards, he showed his embarrassment about his laugh to his fans, tweeting to one, “It’s embarrassing, but glad you laughed as well,” and to another, “It’s a goofy laugh, but I’m stuck with it,”

Even the mother of all hosts, Ryan Seacrest, commented on the topic, saying,

“Hey Anderson Cooper… BRILLIANT! But u gotta lower the eyebrows & tuck the chin for speedy recover next time,”

But that wasn’t all!  Fans from all over sent their tweets to the CNN host, saying how the real, relaxed moment made their day.  Here are just a few choice tweets, courtesy of The Hollywood Reporter:

“You cheered up a great many of us today, and you are almost as good as the laughing baby on YouTube.” Maureen Soricelli

“Laughter is the best medicine right? Anytime I need a laugh, I can watch that.” Karen L Wheeler

“it was so funny. We’ve all had those embarasing silly moments. Just not on camera.” Teri Cerar

“Just proves you’re human. Your reports from Africa made us cry and last night made us laugh. We needed it. Thank you.” Lowell Miller

“You made my day yesterday…and today again. I can’t stop laughing every time I watch.” Andrea Bell

I, for one, also had a blast watching it.  It was great to see the Silver Fox lighten up a bit and be hysterical, especially when asking his crew to stop laughing because it was distracting.

Damn poop jokes…

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