Bane Destroys Entire Football Field in These New Videos from THE DARK KNIGHT RISES

Almost like those videos of marines asking out celebrities, I feel like it's become the new fad to post YouTube videos of THE DARK KNIGHT RISES filming. Lucky for us, then!

Almost like those videos of marines asking out celebrities, I feel like it’s become the new fad to post YouTube videos of THE DARK KNIGHT RISES filming.

Lucky for us, then!

For all you fans out there, we have two brand new videos of the same scene being filmed at Pittsburgh’s Heinz Field, and it’s the first time we get to hear Bane speak!

Apparently, Bane shoots off explosions at a Gotham football game that kills all the players on the field, and is supposed to “liberate” Gotham.  He then drags an unknown cop (Gordon?) onto the field, and introduces him…

Get excited, watch both clips below, and let’s see what else leaks this week!

Weekend Box Office Report – Expendables 2 Blows Away Competition

TRAILER: Robin Feels Pretty Salty About Batman In The New ‘Titans’ Series

VIDEO: THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Viral Campaign Reveals Its Newest Epic Trailer!

VIDEO: THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Gets One Final Disturbing Trailer!