Miley Cyrus’ Gay Rights Tattoo Sparks Debate

Miley Cyrus is in the middle of some more controversy this week, but this time, it’s for a good reason.

The 18-year-old Disney queen tweeted a picture of her finger last week with a new tattoo of an equal sign.  The description said: “All love is equal.”

Many feel the reason for the tattoo is for Cyrus to show support for gay rights, a notion that seemed to be confirmed later that day.

When one follower asked where in the Bible “God says homosexuality” is okay, Cyrus fired back with “Where does it say in the bible to judge others? Oh right.  It doesn’t. GOD is the only judge honey. ‘God is love.'”

Despite the somewhat attack, though, Miley was quick to come to that follower’s defense when it seemed like he was getting bombarded with hate messages, saying: “Dude everyone lay off…Everyone is entitled 2 opinions! “if u don’t stand 4 something you’ll fall for anything.” :)”

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