Reality Check: Hollywood Wants to Remake an Indonesian Film That Hasn’t Even Been Released Yet!!

Many will say that Hollywood has gone too far when it comes to remakes, reboots, and any other word that starts with re-.  Well now, we get to the next level: remaking a foreign film that hasn’t even been released yet!

THE RAID is an Indonesian action film about a SWAT team that becomes trapped in a criminal safe house run by the same mobster they were trying to take down.  It already won the audience award at TIFF’s Midnight Madness, and Sony Pictures has picked up the North American distribution rights to the film at the Cannes Film Festival.

But, instead of just screening the film in the U.S., Screen Gems (a subsidiary of Sony Pictures), wants to remake an English version, complete with original writer/director Gareth Evans!

As of now, reports are that Evans has declined the offer and will instead focus on a sequel, which will begin filming in February.

You can check out the NSFW Restricted trailer for THE RAID below.  (Keep in mind, the NSFW is because of the extreme violence.)  After you check it out, let us know what you think: is Hollywood going too far looking for cash cows, instead of creating some of their own?

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