Zachary Quinto Comes Out as a Gay Man

Zachary Quinto, well known for his role in NBC's "Heroes", as well as Spock in the new STAR TREK, has officially revealed...he is a gay man.

Zachary Quinto, well known for his role in NBC’s “Heroes”, as well as Spock in the new STAR TREK, has officially revealed…he is a gay man.

In a new interview with New York Magazine, Quinto opens up for the first time about his life, and how playing Louis Ironson, a man who abandons his AIDS-stricken boyfriend, in “Angles in America” for eight months, gave him a sense of priority:

“As a gay man, it made me feel like there’s still so much work to be done, and there’s still so many things that need to be looked at and addressed,”

He also spoke with the magazine about Jamey Rodmeyer, a gay teenager who was bullied and killed himself because of it, and how that also affected his decision to come out:

“And again, as a gay man I look at that and say there’s a hopelessness that surrounds it…but as a human being I look at it and say ‘Why? Where’s this disparity coming from, and why can’t we as a culture and society dig deeper to examine that?’ We’re terrified of facing ourselves.”

Quinto’s new film MARGIN CALL, a thriller that takes place in an investment bank right before the 2008 financial crisis, arrives in theaters October 21.

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1 Comment

  • Good for you kiddo!!!! Do your thing and do it with style.Strength is a good quality!!!Keep your head to the sky!!!!!

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