Scarlett Johansson Says Nude Pics Were For Ryan Reynolds

Scarlett Johansson is finally speaking out about the leaked nude photos of herself, saying that they were meant for none other than her ex-husband, Ryan Reynolds.

In a new interview with Vanity Fair, Johansson says that she did nothing wrong when she sent the pictures:

“They were sent to my husband…There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s not like I was shooting a porno…Although there’s nothing wrong with that either.”

In fact, Johansson says that she was actually quite proud of her work, telling the magazine, “I know my best angles.”

In September, the 26-year-old actress spoke to CNN about her privacy being invaded, saying,

“Just because you’re an actor or make films or whatever doesn’t mean you’re not entitled to your own personal privacy. If that is sieged in some way, it feels unjust. It feels wrong.”

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