“South Park” Renewed for Three More Seasons!

Hiiiiidy Ho! Congrats "South Park" fans...that'll be beamed into your homes via television set for at least three more seasons!

Hiiiiidy Ho!

Congrats “South Park” fans…that’ll be beamed into your homes via television set for at least three more seasons!

According to TV Guide, Trey Parker and Matt Stone have reached a new deal with Comedy Central to to continue cable’s longest-running animated series through 2016 and reach its 20th season.  Comedy Central President Michele Ganeless said in a statement,

“The collective genius of Matt and Trey knows no bounds…week after week and season after season they continue to surprise and delight South Park fans … We’re thrilled that the adventures of Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman will continue through 2016.”Parker and Stone will continue to write, direct and edit each episode.

This comes after an episode earlier this season that seemed to be a message directly from Stone and Parker to fans that they wanted the show to end.  The episode, entitled “You’re Getting Old” focused on Stan turning ten and becoming cynical with the world around him.

Comedy Central President Michele Ganeless said.

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