Kristen Wiig Will Not Be Doing A BRIDESMAIDS Sequel…But Universal Still Might

BRIDESMAIDS is one of the funniest movies to hit theaters in 2011. It grossed $288 million worldwide on a $32 million budget, and is up for a number of awards across the board. And while many may think such a success means sequel, that's not necessarily true for star Kristen Wiig.

BRIDESMAIDS is one of the funniest movies to hit theaters in 2011.  It grossed $288 million worldwide on a $32 million budget, and is up for a number of awards across the board.  And while many may think such a success means sequel, that’s not necessarily true for  Kristen Wiig.

According to Worst Previews, while Universal Pictures wants a sequel, writer and star Kristen Wiig is not interested. She said:

“[Co-writer] Annie [Mumolo] and I aren’t planning a sequel. We are writing something else.”

Sources say Universal chief Ron Meyer tried to convince Wiig to return by taking her to dinner and offering her an eight-figure payday, but there was still no bite.

But that doesn’t mean Universal is giving up just yet.  The studio said in a statement:

“If we do a sequel we want to get it right…We are talking to filmmakers now about concepts, and if the right one emerges, we’ll move forward.”

So the question is…would YOU go see another BRIDESMAIDS without star Kristen Wiig?  Or maybe with even a brand new cast?

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