Marvel Still Has Two Unannounced Superhero Films It Plans To Make…

Marvel has been on one hell of a roll, lately, culminating in THE AVENGERS hitting the $1 Billion mark worldwide and breaking records left and right. So how do you build on that momentum? According to Marvel head Kevin Feige, you build by releasing two Marvel films per year, including two that have yet to be announced:

What could they be, what could they be?

Marvel has been on one hell of a roll, lately, culminating in THE AVENGERS hitting the $1 Billion mark worldwide and breaking records left and right. So how do you build on that momentum?  According to Marvel head Kevin Feige, you build by releasing two Marvel films per year, including two that have yet to be announced:

“We want to do two films a year. ‘Avengers’ is our only film this year, but in a week and a half we begin filming ‘Iron Man 3,’…By the end of the summer we’ll be working on the next ‘Thor’ film, early next year the next ‘Captain America’ film. Those are the three we’ve announced so far; we’ve got two beyond that that we haven’t announced yet, but we’re working on.”

As we already know, IRON MAN 3 and THOR 2 will be released in 2013, while CAPTAIN AMERICA 2 will be set for 2014.  If we speculate that AVENGERS 2 will hit theaters in 2015, that would leave a perfect fit between 2014 and 2015 for those two unnamed films…

So what do you think they could be?  Could we be looking at new, stand alone films for Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, or SHIELD, as previously speculated, or are we going to see brand new characters like Ant-Man or Doctor Strange?

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