VIDEO: New PROJECT X Trailer Is Insane, Shows the Most Epic High School Party You’ve Always Dreamed Of!

Ever have one of those high school dreams where you're having a party at your house, and everything goes wrong, and you're terrified of your parents walking in? Now take that and multiply it by a hundred. Now take THAT and multiply it by 10000000000000000. THAT is PROJECT X.

Ever have one of those high school dreams where you’re having a party at your house, and everything goes wrong, and you’re terrified of your parents walking in?  Now take that and multiply it by a hundred.  Now take THAT and multiply it by 10000000000000000.  THAT is PROJECT X.

From the mind of Todd Phillips (THE HANGOVER), PROJECT X is the found footage film about three high school losers’ quest to throw an epic party…and what ends up happening to them.  And from this second trailer, it. Will. Be. Epic.

Check out the trailer and new poster below, and let us know what your favorite line is so far. (Mine is “All I got was you punching that little child’s face.”)

And the new poster…

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