Harrison Ford In Talks for a BLADE RUNNER Sequel?

If you're a fan of BLADE RUNNER, some new rumors are hitting the web that may get you very excited.

If you’re a fan of BLADE RUNNER, some new rumors are hitting the web that may get you very excited.

We have previously heard from Alcon Entertainment and Warner Bros that while there would be a sequel to the hit Ridley Scott flick, it would have nothing to do with Harrison Ford.

Well now, JoBlo is reporting that Ford may actually be back after all:

“Harrison Ford has entered into [very] early talks to join the new BLADE RUNNER.  While this is still very early stages and it is quite possible that things won’t work out the obvious implication is that what we are looking at is not a reboot but a direct sequel to the original.”

Back in December, Alcon producer Andrew Kosove said that an official announcement will come this month.

The real question is…would you want to see another BLADE RUNNER with Harrison Ford, or is it just a bad idea?

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