ADORABLE VIDEO: Birthday Girl Struggles Between Sleep And Cheetos

We've all been there! The excitement of a birthday drives us to press on and keep having fun! But sometimes, in the battle between delicious snacks and falling asleep, sleep wins.

We’ve all been there! The excitement of a birthday drives us to press on and keep having fun! But sometimes, in the battle between delicious snacks and falling asleep, sleep wins.


In this case, Jordy, who just turned three, has just wrapped up a long day of birthday celebration. But despite all evidence to the contrary, she is ABSOLUTELY NOT TIRED and would like to continue eating Cheetos. 

Not… (yawn)… tired… at all… zzzz…

(For the record, the last time I fell asleep with my hand in a bag of cheetos it wasn’t nearly as cute.)

For more viral videos, follow @BrianBalthazar on twitter!

Thanks Matthew!

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