POP Video: Witness the Classic Three Point Landing in Every. Superhero. Film. Ever.

There’s a moment that comes in every superhero movie. It’s small, it’s subtle, and you might not even realize it, but it’s always there: the perfect three-point landing.

Theres a moment that comes in every superhero movie.  It’s small, it’s subtle, and you might not even realize it, but its always there: the perfect three-point landing.

Now, I know what youre sayingMike, Ive paid attention in all my superhero movies, and there have been a few of those scattered about, but not ALWAYS!  Well, doubting fake person that I just made up for the sake of an argument, you are wrong.  They’re everywhere! And a new YouTube video has the proof!

Duncan Robson has gone back and collected every one of these perfect-landing moments from the past decade or so and posted them in a nice montage that you’ll find below.

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BOX OFFICE REPORT: Weekend Ending June 17, 2012. (Or The Weekend Tom Cruise Got Clobbered By A Cartoon.)