AMC Best Picture Showcase Coming to a Theatre Near You!

I love this time of year…a week or two before the Academy Awards, AMC does a Best Picture Showcase featuring all 5 (and now 10) of the Best Picture Nominees for the current year.  It’s like Christmas for movie lovers.

Well, that time of the year is back, and AMC is showing all ten films, and splitting them between two Saturdays (February 19 and February 26).  OR if you’re REALLY crazy, you could just go on February 26th and watch all ten films straight through until the next morning at 10am.

The prices are either $60 for all ten films or $35 for five…a ridiculously cheap price, considering they come with $20 and $10 gift cards respectfully.

Check out more details and where the Showcase is being held right here, and make sure to bring your Oscar pajamas, slippers and teddy bear, so it’ll be just like Christmas Morning!

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