Bill Murray Says GHOSTBUSTERS 3 Script is Horrible!

For months, we've all been wondering why the hell Bill Murray is refusing to sign on to GHOSTBUSTERS 3. His answer was pretty damn simple:

Well this is eye opening…

For months, we’ve all been wondering why the hell Bill Murray is refusing to sign on to GHOSTBUSTERS 3.  Is there not enough money?  Is he too settled in his life of golf and relaxation?  Or does he just not like the series?

Murray recently appeared on “Late Night with David Letterman” to promote his new Wes Anderson flick, MOONRISE KINGDOM, when he was asked about the inevitably in-limbo sequel, and his answer was pretty damn simple:

“They just don’t have a really good script…It’s hard. The second ‘Ghostbusters’ wasn’t as much fun for me as the first one. It’s hard to make a sequel. That first one was really funny. It was just so darn funny. It’s hard for me.”

Well that’s definitely going against everything Dan Akyroyd has been saying about having a great script…but at least we know we finally have a straight answer as to why the man, the myth, the legend won’t don the Proton Pack again.

Although, Murray did say that if a rewrite fixes all the issues with the script, “We’ll try again

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