More Rumors About Lionsgate Wanting To Reboot/Continue TWILIGHT

Early in the year, we told you about how Lionsgate may plan to continue the TWILIGHT franchise after BREAKING DAWN PART II. And now, we have even more of a confirmation.

Early in the year, we told you about how Lionsgate may plan to continue the TWILIGHT franchise after BREAKING DAWN PART II.  And now, we have even more rumors.

Bloody-Disgusting is reporting that Lionsgate, after losing its SAW franchise last year, and TWILIGHT this year, is already having internal discussions about continuing the TWILIGHT series somehow to keep raking in the big bucks.

However, ONTD is reporting that Summit Entertainment is saying it has no plans to continue the series after the final film unless author Stephanie Meyer wants to do something.  (Meyer has said in past interviews that she would be interested in rebooting the films to mark the fifth anniversary of the movie and book series next year.)

Robert Pattinson already made it clear that he will not return, but no such comments have been said by any of the supporting cast, including Kellan Lutz.  Rumors are spreading rapidly about a spin-off that would focus on Bree Tanner, a newborn vampire first introduced in ECLIPSE.

So you tell us…would you want some more TWILIGHT, or is a reboot/spin-off less than a year after the final film is released a tad too much, even for Hollywood standards?

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