Run Away Quickly…Lionsgate Wants to Continue TWILIGHT Franchise After BREAKING DAWN PART II

Yes, you heard it right...TWILIGHT may be continuing even AFTER it's final movie comes out later this year.

Yes, you heard it right…TWILIGHT may be continuing even AFTER it’s final movie comes out later this year.

Let me explain…Summit Entertainment, which produces the TWILIGHT series, was just acquired by Lionsgate for around $400 million.  And when most of that money is based on a series that will be no more within a year, odds are you’ll figure out a way to extend it for as long as humanly possible.

In a new interview with LA Times, Lionsgate CEO Jon Feltheimer hinted at exactly that concept, saying:

“It’s hard for me to imagine a movie that does $700 million-plus doesn’t have ongoing value…It’s an amazing franchise that they have done a great job of maintaining with absolutely no deterioration. So the simple answer is ‘Boy I hope so.'”

A person close to the acquisition suggested that Lionsgate, which has a television department, may consider using it to turn “Twilight” into a TV series.

If you’ll now excuse me, I have to go burn my television in a massive bonfire.  Talk about sparkles…

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