MOVIE PREVIEW-Denzel Washington’s New Trailer for FLIGHT will take your breath away.

Denzel Washington is one of the most popular actors in Hollywood - yet he has not won or been nominated for an oscar since 2002's TRAINING DAY Could FLIGHT be the one to earn him a statuette? Check out this preview.

Denzel Washington is one of the most popular actors in Hollywood – yet he has not won or been nominated for an oscar since 2002’s TRAINING DAY and has not really starred in a big time contender since AMERICAN GANGSTER in 2007. Could FLIGHT be the one to earn him a statuette?

The film follows the story of Whip Whitaker (Washington) a seasoned airplane pilot who miraculously crash lands his plane saving nearly everyone on-board. After the crash it is revealed that Whitaker had Alcohol in his system and drama ensues. FLIGHT hits theaters November 2nd, 2012.

This might be Denzel’s next great shot -FLIGHT is stars Washington alongside Don Cheadle, John Goodman and Bruce Greenwood and is directed by Oscar Winner Robert Zemeckis.

With the big fall movies all starting to get trailers it looks like FLIGHT could be a contender come oscar time, and has me all kinds of excited for the kind of movie it could be. Washington is an expert at his craft who has made some great choices, which in of itself can spell a great movie – throw in the talent of this great supporting cast and something award-worthy could be brewing.

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