Prince and Paris Jackson Speak Out For Their Grandma After She Loses Custody, Talk About Coup From Janet and Rebbie

With all the drama surrounding the Jackson family over the past week, most specifically concerning the guardianship over Michael's children, we now have word on what the kids, themselves, feel. And apparently, they side with grandma.

With all the drama surrounding the Jackson family over the past week, most specifically concerning the guardianship over Michael’s children, we now have word on what the kids, themselves, feel.  And apparently, they side with grandma.

Early this morning, Paris Jackson tweeted her excitement that her rightful guardian had returned, writing: “grandma’s here! (hash)thankyougod.”

Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff removed Katherine as the kids’ rightful guardian because she was in Arizona and hadn’t spoken with them in several days.  Her grandson, Tito Joe “TJ” Jackson, was named as temporary caretaker in her absence.

But now, many conflicting reports are leading us all to wonder, what exactly is going on?

Reading from a prepared statement, Katherine told ABC News that the court ruling to remove her as guardian was “based on a bunch of lies”:

“I am devastated that while I’ve been away, that my children, my grandchildren, have been taken away from me, and I’m coming home to see about that, also.”

She also denied the suggestion made in court that she was being held against her will by her children:

“I am here today to let everybody know that I am fine and I am here with my children, and my children would never do a thing to me like that, holding me against my will,” she said while her children Randy, Janet and Rebbie were seated next to her. “It’s very stupid for people to think that.”

However, many feel like that statement was forced, a notion seemingly confirmed by a photo posted today by Michael’s eldest son, Prince of a supposed group text message in which Prince demands to contact his grandmother, and Janet allegedly responds: “Please don’t let them.”  Prince tweeted:

“As long as I can remember my dad repeatedly warned me of certain people and their ways…Although I am happy my grandma was returned, after speaking with her I realize how misguided and how badly she was lied to. I ‘m really angry and hurt.”

Beckloff said there was no evidence that Katherine Jackson had done anything wrong but it did appear that she was being prevented from fulfilling her role as guardian through the “intentional acts of third parties.”

TJ Jackson acted to get guardianship of his three cousins after feeling that Katherine was being prevented from returning, citing a Monday incident in which Janet, Randy and Jermaine Jackson arrived at the children’s home and told them they could speak with their grandmother but had to leave with them.  He wrote in a sworn statement:

“This was odd and disturbing to me and (the children) and heightened our concern that our grandmother was being prohibited from returning home.”

Katherine Jackson’s attorney, Perry Sanders Jr, plans to ask the court to reinstate her as guardian of the children as early as today.

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