Katherine Jackson Reinstated As Guardian Of MJ’s Kids, Says She Was Tricked Into Going To Arizona!

The drama continues for the Jackson family, as new reports surface on the custody battle over MJ's kids, as well as word from Katherine Jackson that she was tricked into leaving the state.

The drama continues for the Jackson family, as new reports concerning the custody battle over MJ’s kids, along with a statement from Katherine Jackson saying that she was tricked into leaving the state, surface.

TMZ is reporting that as of this weekend, Katherine Jackson has been reinstated as permanent guardian of Michael Jackson’s three children.  Her grandson, TJ Jackson, is listed as co-guardian.

The site reports that Katherine agreed to split guardianship responsibilities with TJ, despite previously claiming that she was “devastated” by the idea.  The arrangement is only temporary for now, until an August 22nd court date where the judge will consider making the split guardianship permanent.

A court appointed investigator said that Katherine has been doing a “terrific job as guardian and the children love her,” and she and TJ have been working well together to care for the children.

While the custody may be settled for now, more confusion is arising amid allegations by Katherine that she was tricked into traveling to Tucson last month and blocked from communicating with her grandchildren.

In her sworn declaration as part of her bid to obtain guardianship, Katherine claims she was scheduled to go on a road trip to New Mexico to watch her sons in concert, but before she left, an unnamed doctor showed up to her house and told her it was better for her to take a plane.  Thinking the doctor was under the orders of her physician, Katheryn obliged.  When she got off the plane, she was in Tucson.  

Katheryn said her phone and iPad were taken away, her in-room telephone was disconnected, and her children reportedly “took her to a spa…because she had high blood pressure.”  Told her grandchildren were fine, she had no idea she had been reported missing and that they were freaking out.

The declaration is a complete contradiction of an earlier interview with ABC, where Katherine, surrounded by Jermaine, Rebbie, and Janet, said, “One reason I didn’t call is I just gave up my phone and I didn’t want to have any phone calls while I was here.”

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