Porn Queen Jenna Jameson Endorses Mitt Romney…Mitt Romney Doesn’t Flaunt The News

It's a beautiful day for Mitt Romney! The Republican nominee just received a hell of an endorsement... From retired porn star Jenna Jameson!

It’s a beautiful day for Mitt Romney!  The Republican nominee just received a hell of an endorsement…

From retired porn star Jenna Jameson!

That’s right!  Jameson spoke to CBS at the anniversary celebration of a gentleman’s club in San Francisco Thursday, saying that she favors Romney’s preference for lower taxes on the wealthy:

“I’m very looking forward to a Republican being back in office…When you’re rich, you want a Republican in office.”

Something tells me that may not be the message Romney wants to give off at the moment…

Romney has not yet made any statement about the endorsement.  I wonder why…?

A number of adult film stars have been trying to get involved in politics over the past few years.  Stormy Daniels attempted to run for the US Senate seat of David Vitter back in 2010, but pulled out at the last minute, while Mary Carey ran for governor of California during the Gray Davis recall that put Arnold Schwarzenegger in office.

Don’t quit your day job, ladies.

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