Royal Family Confirms Prince Harry Naked Pics Are Real, And Are Pissed At Harry’s Handlers!

Prince Harry and his gang are in a tad bit of trouble with Grandma...

Prince Harry and his gang are in a tad bit of trouble with Grandma…

St. James’s Palace has confirmed that Prince Harry is the person featured in a bunch of nude pictures taken over the weekend in Las Vegas, and the Royal Family is not too happy, but mostly with Harry’s handlers and security team.

TMZ explains that Harry was drinking with two male friends when they asked a bunch of girls to go back to Harry’s VIP suite at Encore.  When they all arrived, the security team didn’t make the girls surrender their cell phones.

As everything started to get down and dirty, the girls started to take pictures, and as one source put it,  “Harry’s team acted like a bunch of amateurs” and didn’t even try to stop them.”

As you can tell by the pictures (click here to see them), it was one hell of a night.  And now we all know every detail…

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