Amazon Gives Fans Free Copy of AVENGERS To Replace 10-Disc Set PreOrder

If you were one of the many AVENGERS fans who pre-ordered the 10-disc Marvel briefcase set on, then you are in for a treat. If you are not one of those people, get ready to wish you were!

If you were one of the many AVENGERS fans who pre-ordered the 10-disc Marvel briefcase set on, then you are in for a treat.  If you are not one of those people, get ready to wish you were!

As you may have heard, THE AVENGERS DVD/BluRay set will hit store shelves next Tuesday.  Up until about a week ago, that 10-disc set, which included every Marvel movie in Phase 1, was going to be on the shelf next to it.  Due to a lawsuit concerning the packaging, however, the release was pushed back to Spring., being the awesome corporation it is, has decided to send anyone who has pre-ordered the Marvel briefcase set a free copy of THE AVENGERS, no questions asked!  In a letter that they apparently sent to every customer who had purchased the item:

“We’re writing to let you know that the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One-Avengers Assembled Collection will not be released by Marvel as originally expected. Instead, Marvel is planning to offer a similar collection in new packaging. The new collection will include the original titles offered with the first version of the item, and is expected to be available in the spring of 2013. To make this easy for you, we updated your order for the original collection and will ship the new collection when it becomes available. The price of the new collection will be the same as the original collection.

To show our appreciation for your understanding, we are providing you with a promo code to receive a free copy of Marvel’s The Avengers (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo in Blu-ray Packaging). To be eligible, you must have placed your order between June 1, 2012 and August 28, 2012. Any cancelled orders are not eligible to receive the free copy. Codes must be redeemed by October 15, 2012.”

And with that single move, Amazon has saved themselves thousands of orders, and has given themselves thousands of new loyal customers…

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