AWESOME VIDEO: Funny Guys Sing “All Night Long” LITERALLY ALL NIGHT LONG – Prompting Celebration Wherever They Go.

In short, this is awesome.

I will be the first one to tell you that I occasionally like to get my Lionel Richie jam on…and this is ONE FUN VIDEO.  Internet personalities Rhett and Link decided to raise the roof and have some fun, all over the Los Angeles area. They went all over town with a boombox, microphone and a camera… and engaged passersby in singing “All Night Long” – literally ALL NIGHT LONG. Watch how these two get everyone going, overcome adversity, tick people off, make people smile, eat, have fun, get gas, dance with a house full of kazoo players and more, all night long.

That spells out to 158 performances, over more than 11 hours.

Awesome. It gets particularly fantastic at about 3:10 in when the song really gets its jam going.

For more viral videos, follow @BrianBalthazar on twitter!

Check out more of Rhett and Link HERE.

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