Christopher Nolan Confirms THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Won’t Have A Director’s Cut

Last week, Bat fans everywhere started to salivate with word of a possible extended director's cut of THE DARK KNIGHT RISES being released on Blu-Ray and DVD. Sadly, we can now confirm that those were only rumors...

Last week, Bat fans everywhere started to salivate with word of a possible extended director’s cut of THE DARK KNIGHT RISES being released on Blu-Ray and DVD.  Sadly, we can now confirm that those were only rumors…

Joblo is reporting that Christopher Nolan’s camp has confirmed that no such cut of TDKR actually exists.  While this may be a huge disappointment, it doesn’t leave out the possibility of deleted scenes, including one specific entry that costume designer Lindy Hemming described as the origin of Bane’s mask:

“If you look at the film, unless they’ve cut it—and I’m sure they haven’t—there’s a whole early section for Tom Hardy where he’s fighting and being taunted by people…He’s got chains on him, and he’s standing on a wooden thing while people are attacking him. And in that scene, he’s wearing a much more ragged, primitive version of the mask.”

Obviously, the scene was cut, but tell me you aren’t still salivating…

Nolan has been notorious for shooting very tightly, as to avoid deleted scenes, and with no such footage on the DVDs for BATMAN BEGINS and THE DARK KNIGHT, it seems like it’ll sadly be a long shot to see such a spectacular display.

The specs for the upcoming DARK KNIGHT RISES Blu-Ray release should be revealed within the next few weeks, so we shall know once and for all very soon.

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