RUMOR ALERT: Joesph Gordon Levitt WILL Play Batman In JUSTICE LEAGUE

Could Warner Brothers be locking up Joseph Gordon Levitt for its JUSTICE LEAGUE movie?

Is Joseph Gordon Levitt going to end up being  the next Batman? That is a question we have asked ourselves since the credits rolled on THE DARK KNIGHT RISES in July. HitFix has an exclusive update, reporting that “According to sources, Joseph Gordon-Levitt absolutely will be appearing in JUSTICE LEAGUE as the new Batman”.

HitFix writer Drew McWeeny, whose well regarded as a source for information, (he was the well respected critic and editor “Moriarty” for Harry Knowles and Ain’t It Cool News) says that Gordon Levitt and another actor from THE DARK KNIGHT trilogy are working on deals right now. If this is true, that means that MAN OF STEEL director Zach Snyder (and writer Christopher Nolan) could be trying to get enough time to film a post credits scene for the end of MAN OF STEEL, which hits theaters next summer. McWeeny suggests that the other actor is Gary Oldman, who played Commissioner Jim Gordon in all three of Nolan’s Batman films. Now there is also the possibility as the writer suggests that Warner Brothers could just be exploring their options, but believe it or not it’s almost 2013, and if they’re going to start locking up popular actors for many years they might as well start now.

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