Are Patrick Stewart and Famke Janssen Reprising Their X-MEN Roles For X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST?!

Comic book fans, get ready…your mind is about to explode.

Comic book fans, get ready…your mind is about to explode.

Joblo is reporting that the sequel to X-MEN: FIRST CLASS may not only be featuring the cast from the first film, but also Patrick Stewart and Famke Janssen in their roles from Bryan Singer’s X-MEN entries!

Let me explain…

The FIRST CLASS sequel’s title, X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST, hints at a storyline from a comic with the same name: The storyline alternates between present day, in which the X-Men fight Mystique’s Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, and a future timeline caused by the X-Men’s failure to prevent the Brotherhood from assassinating Senator Robert Kelly. In this future universe, Sentinels rule the United States, and mutants live in internment camps. The present-day X-Men are forewarned of the possible future by a future version of their teammate Kitty Pryde, whose mind traveled back in time and possessed her younger self to warn the X-Men. She succeeds in her mission and returns to the future, but despite her success, the future timeline still exists as an alternative timeline rather than as the actual future.

As you can see, such a time travel arc leaves open many possibilities for a crossover film (think Leonard Nemoy’s cameo in the new STAR TREK).

While it may not be much in itself, at the recent Montreal Comic Con, Stewart was asked if he would reprise his role as Professor Xavier at some point in the future.  His answer: “I think there is every possibility.”

And if that wasn’t enough, in a new interview with MTV News, Famke Janssen was asked if she would cameo in the upcoming sequel, only to hint, “One never knows. Jean Grey, the Phoenix… she finds a way to reincarnate herself constantly, so one never knows. Stay tuned.”

So does this mean we have an epic sequel on our hands that’ll blend the best of both universes?  It was glorious enough to see Hugh Jackman pop up in FIRST CLASS…what could we possibly be up for next?  What do these two know that we don’t?

X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST will hit theaters July 18th, 2014.

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