AMAZING VIDEO: To Prove Rescue Dogs Are Smart, One Was Trained To Drive

The SPCA wanted to prove that abused and neglected dogs can heal and make great pets. So they rigged a car with safety precautions, and then spent a long time training three to drive. One of them, Porter, managed to learn the skill successfully. Sure, he drives slowly, sure, but so did my grandmother!


The SPCA wanted to prove that abused and neglected dogs can heal and make great pets. So they rigged a car with safety precautions, and then spent a long time training three to drive. One of them, Porter, managed to learn the skill successfully! Sure, he drives slowly, sure, but so did my grandmother!

The SPCA then formed a group called Driving Dogs which aims to keep thousands of dogs from being put down.

Video of this, the first dog drive now has over a quarter million views…

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