Did Lindsay Lohan Take The Money (From Charlie Sheen) And Run?!?

Charlie Sheen likes to pay it forward - so when he found out Lindsay Lohan needed money, he gave her $100,000. And apparently he's still waiting for a thank you note.


Charlie Sheen likes to pay it forward – so when he found out Lindsay Lohan needed money, he gave her $100,000. Apparently he’s still waiting for a thank you note.

Sheen tells Entertainment Tonight: “I’m still waiting for a text to say ‘thank you … Anything, you know?”

When ET suggested that Lohan may have been rendered speechless, Sheen answered jokingly, “and fingerless.”

Sheen acknowledged that Lohan ‘is going through a lot.”

“I wish her the best. She just needs a little bit of time … People need to give her time to get her … to get her act together.”
Lohan’s financial problems seem to be looming large. TMZ, reports that the IRS has seized Lohan’s bank accounts because of outstanding tax debts to the tune of $230,000-plus for 2009 and 2010.


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