Hear All The Real Injuries Harry And Marv Would Have Sustained If HOME ALONE Was Real!

With all the injuries that Harry and Marv sustained during their time at the McCallister family home, how would they have actually survived if the movie were real?

HOME ALONE.  It’s a movie that all of us (especially the generation born in the 80s) love, especially this time of year.  But one has to wonder…with all the injuries that Harry and Marv sustained during their time at the McCallister family home, how would they have actually survived if the movie were real?

This Week decided to take a look at exactly that with a real life doctor.  Going through each scenario one by one, the publication’s doc explains the real impacts that a blowtorch to the scalp, an iron to the face, and so many other injuries would have on a person, and it ain’t pretty…

Let’s just say that Harry and Marv would probably be dead in the kitchen right about now…

Check out the full article with all the injuries right here, and hope that a list for HOME ALONE 2: LOST IN NEW YORK hits the internet as soon as possible!

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