Hear What Quentin Tarantino Is Planning For The End of His DJANGO/BASTARDS Trilogy

Since the release of DJANGO UNCHAINED, we’ve been hearing about Quentin Tarantino’s desire to create a sort of historical trilogy. The only question is…after DJANGO and INGLOURIOUS BASTARDS, what would be the third entry?

Since the release of DJANGO UNCHAINED, we’ve been hearing about Quentin Tarantino’s desire to create a sort of historical trilogy.  The only question is…after DJANGO and INGLOURIOUS BASTARDS, what would be the third entry?

Tarantino recently sat down with Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr and finally gave us a hint of his final story…an INGLOURIOUS BASTARDS spinoff featuring a group of black soldiers:

“My original idea for ‘Inglourious Basterds’ was that this [would be] a huge story that included the [smaller] story that you saw in the film, but also followed a bunch of black troops…They had been f*cked over by the American military and kind of go [crazy]. The way Lt. Aldo Raines and the Basterds are having an ‘Apache resistance’ — [the] black troops go on an Apache warpath and kill a bunch of white soldiers and white officers on a military base and are just making a warpath to Switzerland.

“I was going to do it as a miniseries, and that was going to be one of the big storylines. When I decided to try to turn it into a movie, that was a section I had to take out to help tame my material. I have most of that written. It’s ready to go; I just have to write the second half of it. That would be the third of the trilogy. It would be [connected to] ‘Inglourious Basterds,’ too, because ‘Inglourious Basterds’ are in it, but it is about the soldiers. It would be called ‘Killer Crow’ or something like that.

So could this be the next entry in the Tarantino universe?  The 49-year-old director has been no stranger to throwing out ideas (a Vega Brothers movie, a KILL BILL VOL 3 many years later), so who knows what it would take to get it to the big screen…

But you have to admit, it would be a hell of a good bloody time if it does…

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