Ian McKellen Does NOT Have Cancer, Previous Report “Taken Out Of Context”

Just days after reports started flying that Sir Ian McKellen had prostate cancer, we are now getting word that it was all just a huge misunderstanding.

Just days after reports started flying that Sir Ian McKellen had prostate cancer, we are now getting word that it was all just a huge misunderstanding.

McKellen’s agent, Chris Andrews, told ABCNews.com that the iconic actor is not sick, and that the U.K. tabloid The Sun got their facts wrong:

“No, he does not have prostate cancer…That was taken out of context and from an interview from years ago.”

CLD Communications, the corporation that represents the 73-year-old actor, also confirms the report, and cites McKellen’s appearance at the premiere of THE HOBBIT in New Zealand as proof of his health.

While many skeptics have taken this news as a cover by the actor’s representation to protect him from insurance policies on future projects, I would prefer to believe in the former explanation, and wish McKellen only the best.


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