Are Penny And Leonard Getting Engaged On “The Big Bang Theory”?!

After almost six seasons in the making, could “The Big Bang Theory’s” favorite couple, Leonard and Penny, finally be taking their relationship to the next level?!

Leonard-and-Penny-the-big-bang-theory-16863231-930-620After almost six seasons in the making, could “The Big Bang Theory’s” favorite couple, Leonard and Penny, finally be taking their relationship to the next level?!

In a new interview with The Hollywood Reporter, “Big Bang” star Johnny Galecki hinted that this season’s Valentine’s Day episode may have a big surprise in store for the happy couple:

“Next week we start shooting the Valentine’s Day episode…It’s a big one for Leonard and Penny — there might be somebody getting down on one knee.”

If the proposal is true, it would be a hell of a step for the Penny/Leonard relationship arc.  The two dated in the first few seasons, only to split and then get back together in the series’ 100th episode.

And only a few weeks ago, Penny finally professed her love to Leonard—a move that Galecki reasons still gives her complete control of the situation, especially since it’s something she was unable to do for the entire span of the series…:

“The ball is still in her court…The last couple of seasons have really been about her emotional inabilities. It’s made that character of Penny a well-rounded one and you’d assume it would always be Leonard’s fault but he’s been a pretty good partner to her.”

So will Penny say yes?!  Galecki isn’t saying…

 “I don’t know if it’ll work out, I’m just saying.” 

“The Big Bang Theory” airs Thursdays at 8 p.m. on CBS.

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