Chris Brown Compares Himself To Jesus While Under Investigation For Allegedly Assaulting Frank Ocean

Can somebody get Chris Brown a pound of Xanax?

chris-brown-and-frank-ocean-2013Can somebody get Chris Brown a pound of Xanax?

Access Hollywood is reporting that the always-troubled singer is under investigation for an alleged assault in a West Hollywood parking lot concerning fellow singer Frank Ocean.

According to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, deputies responding to a report of six men fighting Sunday night found the scene clear, but were told by witnesses that there had been a brief fight over a parking space.  A statement from the department said that, “The altercation allegedly led to Chris Brown punching the victim.”

While the exact “victim” wasn’t identified, TMZ said that the scuffle involved Ocean, something confirmed when Ocean posted on Twitter later that he “got jumped by (Brown) and a couple guys” and suffered a finger cut.

No arrests were made, but Steve Whitmore, a spokesman for the Los Angeles County Sheriff, says Ocean “is desirous of prosecution in this incident.”  That would be major trouble for the 23-year-old Brown, who is still serving five years probation for the 2009 assault of Rihanna.

So how does Brown feel about the entire incident?  Yesterday, the child posted an Instagram photo depicting a crucifixion scene with the caption: “Painting the way I feel today. Focus on what matters!”

This is nowhere near the first sign of trouble for Brown (and most certainly not the last, as the Onion had him so beautifully explain).  Last June, Brown was injured in a brawl with members of hip-hop star Drake’s entourage at a New York nightclub, and back in March of 2011, he was flew into a rage and smashed a window on the set of “Good Morning America” when asked by Robin Roberts about the assault charges.

Put all those incidents next to his wonderful Twitter rants and ravings, and, like the rest of the country, I wouldn’t be surprised if Brown literally time traveled and punched Anne Frank in the face.

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