Does Matt Damon Want To Do Another BOURNE?

Universal is fast tracking another JASON BOURNE film but can they convince Matt Damon to return to role?

BourneAccording to WORSTPREVIEWS,  Universal Pictures head Adam Fogelson has another BOURNE sequel at the top of his list for the studio, possibly bringing back Matt Damon in the role of Jason Bourne.

It’s been pretty common knowledge by now that Damon did not get along with THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM writer Tony Gilroy and said that he would not return to the franchise without director Paul Greengrass.

Greengrass left after ULTIMATUM and Gilroy went on to direct THE BOURNE LEGACY with Jeremy Renner in the lead and Jason Bourne being a side plot. In fact, two years ago Damon said he was probably done with the role of Jason Bourne. 

Now Fogelson says Damon is reconsidering, “I absolutely see us doing more ‘Bourne,’ 100% yes. Matt [Damon] has talked about the possibility of coming back, and we totally respect that and are excited if and when he wants to have conversations. But I think the last movie gave us a big bunch of options to pursue a next chapter.

LEGACY only brought in just over $200 million dollars with Renner in the lead (Not shabby, exactly, until you consider that ULTIMATUM took in $400 million.) If they can somehow get Paul Greengrass to return to the directors chair, I’m sure they can get Damon to return to his role, and maybe even team up with Renner’s Aaron Cross character.

This is all speculation, but I assume if Fogelson is ready to move forward with another BOURNE, he is looking for the option that will get him a bigger box office, now all fans need is for everyone to put their egos aside and work together…yea, right.

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