Seth Harrington With Hollywood Fashion’s Hits And Misses!
It’s Fashion Week in New York and everyone is trying to figure out what is hot and what is not (New York is not… there’s a blizzard). Heidi Klum is excited.

Sure Victoria Beckham and Helmut Lang have been working on their collections for months, but Hollywood has been showcasing their ideas for years. So, in honor of NYFW let’s indulge in some snark and see which films got 2013 fashion right and which films got it auf wiedersehen.
1. Escape from LA – AUF WIEDERSEHEN

Sure, leather is eternal. Especially for badasses, but sorry Snake. Eyepatches. Still no bueno.
2. Scanner Darkly – RIGHT

This movie was shot in 2006. Sadly, if you’re a straight, white male you still dress like this.
3. Back to the Future 2 – AUF WIEDERSEHEN

Oh Back to the Future 2, not only are we still mad at you for teasing us with Hoverboards, but you also want us to wear WHAT?

4. Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey – AUF WIEDERSEHEN

I know. How is it possible that we’re not wearing pastel-colored Foam Clothes?
5. Blade Runner – DOUBLE PLUS RIGHT

Okay so technically we still have six years before its Blade Runner time.
But let’s be fashion forward. Darryl Hannah’s punk barbie look is so righteous it may single-handedly bring back panty-hose for women. And for guys, this is a look that makes you want to go shopping…
If 2019 looks anything like it did in this film, we’re set! Aside from the homicidal android part.
I want a hoverboard so bad.