VIDEO: Watch Ryan Gosling Kick More Film-Noir Butt In This Red-Band Trailer For ONLY GOD FORGIVES

If you thought Ryan Gosling was badass in DRIVE, have we got a trailer for you…

only-god-forgives-ryan-gosling1If you thought Ryan Gosling was badass in DRIVE, have we got a trailer for you…

The new red band trailer for Gosling’s newest flick, ONLY GOD FORGIVES, has just hit the web, and it looks as if the hunky actor is about to brutally destroy some more baddy henchmen.

Reuniting with his DRIVE director, Nicolas Winding Refn, Gosling plays Julian, a British gangster running a Muay Thai boxing operation in Southeast Asia as a front for a drug-smuggling operation.

While the trailer is pretty tame, with only a few short glimpses of the brutalit, the slow burn hints at something much more drastic and painful waiting for us…

Check it out below, and let us know what you think!



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