MUST WATCH VIDEO: Tonight Show Prank Gets Hilarious With Karaoke Singing Couple

The Tonight Show's "Pumpcast News" is an interactive newscast gag that messes with the heads of people pumping their gas. But this time, they got more than they bargained for when they encountered a couple that was even more entertaining than the joke itself!

Tonight Show Kareoke CoupleThis one’s a must see! The Tonight Show’s “Pumpcast News” is an interactive newscast gag that messes with the heads of people pumping their gas. But this time, they got more than they bargained for when they encountered a couple that was even more entertaining than the joke itself!

Usually, the sketch starts out by freaking out the customers by interacting with them, then asking them to answer questions or do silly things.  But this time, when host Jack Rafferty discovered the guy liked karaoke, the whole thing went to another level.

Check it out, laugh, and be impressed by their talent!

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