VIDEO: Watch The Epic Ending To Stefon and Seth Meyers’ Love Story On Weekend Update

For years, we have watched Stefon try to give audiences the greatest places to hang out in New York City. And now, it was time for his story to end. And man, did SNL do it epically…

stefonFor years, we have watched as our favorite “Saturday Night Live” correspondent, Stefon, tried to give audiences the greatest places to hang out in New York City.  But with this past Saturday being both the final episode for Bill Hader and the final Update report of Seth Meyers, it was time to bring their tragic love story to a close…

And man, did SNL do it epically…

Watch below as Stefon finally gets fed up with Meyers shooting down his suggestions and runs off to be with yet another news anchor (oh, you’ll see who…).  But don’t worry…Seth soon comes to his senses, and how their romance ends rivals some of the greatest love stories ever put to film.


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