“Talking Dead” host Chris Hardwick, named host for “Breaking Bad” wrap up show “Talking Bad”

AMC "Talking Dead" host Chris Hardwick has been named the host of AMC's "Breaking Bad" wrap up show "Talking Bad".

breaking-bad-at-comic-con-sizzle-reel-plus-talking-bad1Chris Hardwick is taking over the nerd world, he is the creator of the very popular website/blog/podcast/BBC America TV show “The Nerdist”. He’s working on a pilot for a show that will follow The Colbert Report called @Midnight and he is the host of AMC’s weekly “The Walking Dead” wrap up show “Talking Dead”. So it’s no surprise that for the final season of  AMC’s Breaking Bad that AMC is moving forward with a wrap up program to finish each of the final eight episodes.

Hardwick spoke about the decision to make him the host,  “AMC will tell you that it’s because of the success of Talking Dead or my friendship with the BB cast that they asked me to host this, but I maintain it probably has more to do with my unmistakable resemblance to Jesse Pinkman, B&%$#.” “Talking Bad” will premiere August 11th at 11pm est/10pm central.

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