How Roy Moore Provided His Own Punchline

When you ride a horse to the polls to get attention, be prepared for what happens when you lose. Check out the best responses to Roy Moore's horse show.

When you ride a horse to the polls to get attention, be prepared for what happens when you lose. Check out the best responses to Roy Moore’s horse show.

I’m sure it all happened with the best of intentions. Or rather, attentions. Roy Moore, whom I would call embatted Senator Roy Moore if it weren’t for the fact that so many people – for reasons I cannot explain, support him – rode into election day on a horse. (Named Sassy, no less!) The intention, I suppose, was to drive home what a down-home, southern fried, salt-of-the-earth lovin’ all-American country guy he was. By now you know his opinions and the scandalous accusations of predatory behavior that surround him.

The horseback performance was every bit the circus act that we have come to grow accustomed to in the current political climate. There was Roy Moore, in the center ring, and he loved it.

Then he lost the election, and the perfect joke presented itself.

Newspapers, particularly the New York Post and The Daily News, (who were writing memes before there was a name for it, I might add…) took the story by the, er… reigns:

It was the perfect – and obvious joke to throw at a man who thought the joke was on all of us. Even before the newspapers printed these gems (and kudos to the Daily news for taking it all the way,) twitter had already leaped at the perfection that was this response.

Folks were not only quick with a punchline, but also a little critique of the 70 year old’s horseback riding skills were also on deck. Here’s some of the best tweets that came out since the election day sideshow:

Even though Roy Moore lost, his horse Sassy won the Gallop poll.

— Laurie Crosswell (@lauriecrosswell) December 13, 2017

“It’s only fitting that #Roymoore road in on a horse, he knows little girls love pony’s”- @RealDLHughley

— The DL Hughley Show (@DLHughleyRadio) December 13, 2017

Lastly, folks in-the-know had a lot to say about his form in the first place.
Horse twitter – yes, there’s a twitter community of horse lovers and riders, had lots to say.

⚡️ “Horse Twitter baffled at Roy Moore’s attempt to ride a horse”

— Peter W Stocking (@peterstocking) December 13, 2017

Ultimately, the lesson is – if you decide to make a spectacle of yourself – it’s a hell of a lot less embarassing if you win.

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