TRAILER: ‘Captain Marvel’ Sneak Peek Puts The ‘Her’ In ‘Hero’

Where have all the good men gone? And where are all the gods? Where’s the street wise Hercules, to fight the rising odds? WHO CARES?!? The Captain Marvel trailer that dropped today proves that the future is female…well it’s the past because the film is set in the 90’s but you get what I mean.

The next installment from Marvel Studios centers around Carol Danvers, a super heroic being that seemingly falls from the sky. Once on Earth, Danvers gets acquainted with Nick Fury who we know from the Avengers films. Things gets strange when Danvers has difficulty remembering her past but memory flashes indicate that she had a full life on this planet. Danvers dons the persona of Captain Marvel to fight intergalactic villains that threaten our world. In the comics, the superhero has all the classic super powers like super strength and flight. One extra gift that should come in handy is a precognitive sixth sense.

The nearly two-minute trailer is jam packed with goodies so you’ll want to watch it over and over. Spoiler alert, Captain Marvel punches a sweet old lady. I’m sure she had a good reason! Brie Larson brings life to Carol Danvers in this film, and expect to see other big names such as the aforementioned Jackson and Jude Law. The film does not have an official release date yet but it is expected to hit theaters in 2019. Check out the action packed trailer below!



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